Does anyone know how to make chapstick lables ? - wedding chapsick favors
My lips as wedding favors, everyone knows how chapsick custom labels?
Does anyone know how to make chapstick lables ? - wedding chapsick favors
My lips as wedding favors, everyone knows how chapsick custom labels?
Buy Computer Paper labels. Choose a font, color, and what you mean. Make sure the message that fits in your lip balm. Instead of pre-cut labels, I use paper without cutting, so that you can cut as small as needed with scissors.
It's easy and fun. I also use the luxury of printing. With it you, add all types of graphics or initials.
Just use a label template. You can buy address labels in silver and gold, and print your car. Write something like
Thank you for letting us on our special day.
John and Jane 1st January 2007
Put Longway and no one will notice. Congratulations and good luck.
You only buy the paste on the labels for envelopes, because they are easy to hold and easy to print.
If you do not see labels on the envelopes to cut only printing on plain paper, then with double-sided tape to stick it in Cap-stick. I can not say enought good things about double-sided tape. We found that for my sister's wedding and I was excited because I have not discovered on my own wedding. Wir verwenden es für alles, was zum Beispiel der Kollision mit einem transparentem Papier-Karte (nicht einmal die Band, aber man konnte durch das Papier zu sehen!) Und Tonband, die Segel zu befestigen (ist geklebt auf sehr gut, obwohl die Kerzen who were) very slippery.
I hope you will do something more than just about having fun in your name and datein the lip balm. It would be a good idea, regular Chapstick, and pleasant to use as a model for a version.
I hope they work for a company of lip balm, because I really think it would be a kind of funky .....
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