Monday, February 22, 2010

Using Floorboard Heaters 2001 Toyota Rav4 Leaking Water Onto Passenger Floorboard?

2001 Toyota Rav4 leaking water onto passenger floorboard? - using floorboard heaters

It rained steadily, but it is difficult today. I turned and at the end of the day, he took a hard turn left and the water out of the box fan on the passenger list. I looked for drainage in the bottom of the fresh air, and all the drainage was good. I took the fan and put a bucket under the housing and around in circles trying to better use. Some more came out and now only a few drops each time.
Which could lead to water, to build here?
I have a lot of air conditioning or heat lately.


hendo250 said...

A / C drain is usually the cause may have been for some time and were built only now in a state, now blocked. try disabling get a piece of wire in the drain hose to it, then run the car with the A / C and still as cold as it is, and keep the water from the drain hose. If the water then comes Hopfully correction of problems. If this is not the task of checking the water level in the radiator when it is weak, could be possible the heater core, but more likely / C drainage. I hope I have helped

OneMic said...

If this is not the drainage of the A / C
Do you have a sunroof, if not you, that the hose is not yet released
Verifies that it is the windshield damaged seal

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